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Education  

2024  Meisner Foundation-Intermediate, Meisner Studio Amsterdam, NL.

2023-2019  MA Art Praxis, Dutch Art Institute (DAI), NL.

2019-2018  Post-graduate Program in Theatre, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema (ESTC), Lisbon.

2016-2014  Extension Programs in Dance (Theory and Practice), SP School of Drama/ UFABC - University of Metropolitan Cities of Sao Paulo / ETEC (School of Arts) / OC Oswald de Andrade - Art workshops.

2013  Diploma in Drama, Os Satyros Company, Sao Paulo.

2009  Post-Graduation Program in Visual Arts (Audit student) - “Tensions between Intimacy and Public Sphere in Modern Art: Perspectives on Contemporary Art”, ECA-USP, School of Communication and Arts - University of São Paulo.

2005-2002  Bachelor in Visual Communication, University of Fine Artes, São Paulo.

Films 

2019  Intimacy, Fádhia Salomão. Short Film.
2019  Fingers, Gabriela dos Santos. Short Film, Installation.

Performances, Presentations 

2021  …Leaving Identity for? (...Livrando a Identidade para?) - Escrita compartilhada, leitura e performance. Aeroponic Acts, DAI.

2020  Non-reflexology [the mess of segregation of the urban human body parts.] - A fiction from babies to babies. (Não-Reflexologia [o caos da segregação das partes do corpo humano urbano] - Uma ficção feita por bebês para bebês.) - Writing, video, reading. DAI Program.

2019/18   Monumentos em Ação, Lucía Nacht (AR), Next Stop Festival and (RE)UNION - Encontro Bianual de Artes Performativas (Lisbon).

2018  • Fingers, Installation. ESTC - Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Lisbon.
         • Vertical Choices in Closed Spaces, Closed Choices in Vertical Spaces or A Place Ready to Welcome You. 25 Years Experimental Space  C.E.M - Centro em Movimento, Lisbon.
         • La Plaza, El Conde de Torrefiel (ES), Maria Matos Theater, Lisbon.

2017  Slow Dance, Celia Gondol (FR). Verbo 2017, Vermelho Gallery, Sao Paulo. 

2016  • Esquiva, Oito Nova Dança Company (BR), Urban Spaces, Sao Paulo.
         • A Face Humana (The Human Face), Taanteatro Company (BR), Aliança Francesa Theater, Sao Paulo.
        • Raskh, solo. 3º Mostra de Intérpretes Criadores,Núcleo Pedro Costa, Sao Paulo.

2015  APP,  Jose Sampaio and Gabriela dos Santos (BR). Virada Cultural Paulista, Sesc Vila Mariana, Sao Paulo.

Residencies 

2018  Shock Lab. Verão Azul, Portugal.

Publications 

2020  “The Foreign Body”  - Performing the Living: Connecting with Cicles, COOP, DAI Program. 

        “Chronicles” (DAI Program):

Conferences 

2015  Invited speaker for the Meeting to consolidate the Municipal Social and Educational Assistance Plan, and construction of the youth policy training network. Municipal Council for the Rights of Youth, Elis Regina Auditorium, CMDCA: Jundiaí, São Paulo.

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