…Leaving Identity for?

Shared writing, open reading.
Aeroponic Acts, DAI.

Link: https://vimeo.com/798719844/e4a9b538e8

“(...) I was thinking about words and the future. If the past is in the future, how are languages doing with that? How is English doing with it? Maybe for some authors, this question is not a big deal. They are doing something more than that. But I am not trying here to create a method to discover how these words in English are working into that question. My thought is to manifest a way to write actions in a struggle over austerity and binary thinking.

The past is infinite.

Is austerity infinite? And austerity became a mood.” 


Gabi-dear-Gabi, when did everything get a name? and with that name a time? a duration. the world consists of countables accountables     measured. But also:

“staying with the trouble” (Donna Haraway)  i’m in it and stay accountable, timed, aged, queered.

...All and everything with names, that left us…” 


Non-reflexology [the mess of segregation of the urban human body parts.]
A fictocriticism from babies to babies.

Writing, Video.

 “There are radios with antennas in the streets and in the cars, playing Always by Atlantic Starr (from 1987), playing all the time, in the loop.

The essence: Alembic from border farms.”

“The cachaça’s smell made the iron’s journey noticeable for the next few hours of that night. A long time before the sun came up, at the exact moment of the quiet hum of a step, she ran with the wind of the rain to come in the direction of the federal police building located in the center of the city. Her body was with the iron in her extreme fingertips. Her center became a hum from a non-water. Her other peripheries became an iron in broken pieces. Her entire first layer of skin became a specific rough texture.”


Video, installation.

Collection of interviews with artists, creating archives that agregates a documentary idea with creation of poems, based on the Portuguese colonization, the dictatorship, and immigrations.


Vertical Choices in Closed Spaces; Closed Choices em Vertical Spaces, or A Place ready to welcome You. 




chat interaction, performance, 60’.





Untitled (On Petals)
Video, Photography.

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